My Family

James Rigg my great-great grandfather
Catherine McDonald my great-great grandmother
Alex William Rigg my great grandfather
Eliza Rigg my great grandfather’s first wife
Henrietta Metcalfe my great grandfather’s second wife
Harriet Thompson, my grandmother with her family
Alfred John Rigg, my grandfather, Harriet, my grandmother, with first born Alfred John, my father
Granddad, Grandma, and Dad as a young boy
Alfred John and Harriet
my grandparents
Grandparents at Dymchurch, where we spent many family holidays
Malcolm, Mum and Phyllis being read a story in 1940
The Family on holiday in 1947
Grandparents, Phyllis, Malcolm, baby Alison and Trevor in 1948
The Children in 1949 - Malcolm, Trevor, Phyllis and Alison
We spent many holidays staying at Pypers Caravan Site, Dymchurch Kent
All the Family in 1954
In 1953, we moved to Derry Downs in St Mary Cray after Stephen was added to the family
Malcolm, Trevor Dad, Mum, Alison and Stephen in 1963 at Sevenoaks Road,
Stephen, Alison, Malcolm and Trevor in the garden in 1970
In 1979, Dad and Mum moved to Pagham, West Sussex
The family in 1986 at Tunbridge Wells at Stephen’s new home
We celebrated Dad’s 80th birthday in 1994
The Three Monkeys in 2001- Stephen, Malcolm and Trevor
Stephen’s 50th birthday party in 2002
The Family gather at Pagham in 2003
Dad celebrates his 90th birthday surrounded by his [great] grandchildren
Dad celebrates his 90th birthday in 2004 joined by his children

The Riggs have their roots in East London, where my father was born, but we are related to the McDonalds of Aberdeenshire

My childhood was spent in or near Orpington, Kent.