I took my first job teaching in 1971 at Farmor’s School, Fairford, a small town on the edge of the Cotswolds in Gloucestershire - a delightful area of beautiful stone villages

Fairford in the Cotswolds

Fairford London Road
Cotswolds Road Sign
Fairford "The Troglodyte"
Fairford Radways
No 4 The High Street, where I lived as a lodger for a couple of years
No 4 The High Street - now taken over by a shop!
St Mary’s Church, a jewel of religious architecture
The oldest complete set of mediaeval stained glass in any parish church in the country
Fairford Market Square
“The Bull” in the High Street
Fairford The Mil
Fairford Youth Centre
Farmors School where I taught for five years
Farmors School
Farmors School new block
Farmors School new block
The Bilbrough Family
The Chick Family
The Cooper Family
The Hall Family
Vic & Norma Maycock
Colleagues & Friends
Following my year out in Alsace, I organise a home-stay exchange visit
A reunion in 2009
Bibury the quintessential Cotswold village
Bourton-on-the-Water Model Village
Chipping Campden
Chipping Campden Covered Market
Chipping Campden
Chipping Campden
Coln St Aldwyns
"The Fleece Inn"
"The Fleece Inn" nr Evesham
Sezingcote Moreton-in-the-Marsh
Snowshill nr. Broadway
Snowshill Manor House

My first teaching post